Builds Faith in God

Bible Prophecy Builds Faith in God

It is easy to read history and learn about the past by digging into the depths of sand, soil and stone. But how does one learn about the future? The philosopher would say that we learn about the future by studying the past. This is true to a point, but if we want detailed accounts of the future, we are completely helpless to discover them on our own.

Just tell exactly what you will be doing one hour from now—or five minutes from now—with certainty. Ask a father to tell the exact situation of one of his children a mere twenty years from now, to tell where the child will be living, what he will be doing, with whom he will be living, how many children he will have, whether they will be boys or girls, and so on and on. This is a very simple task, compared to predicting the future of nations and governments over millenniums of time, yet the possibility is far, far beyond us.

But the God of the Bible has predicted the future thousands of years in advance. This is one way He has of proving to us that He is God. He has foretold thousands of years in advance the detailed circumstances of families, cities, and nations. And when prophecy upon prophecy is fulfilled to the letter, how can we fail to acknowledge the verity of the God behind the prophecy?

And when we read prophecies that were spoken or written centuries in advance and then read about their positive and clear fulfillment through the eyes and pen of the historian, archeologist, etc., we begin to realize there is a Mind and a knowledge here above the human level; One who knows the future as we know the past. If His past predictions happened just as He predicted, we had better pay attention to what He is saying about the future!