Is it Right to Pray for Non-Believers?

Question: Is it right to pray for transgressors and non-believers, or only for those who are truly Christ’s? Answer: Although many of the prayers in the Bible were of believers and for believers, there are many examples of prayers for transgressors and non-believers. Let us mention a few. The apostle Paul instructed Timothy that in … [Read more…]

Does God Hear the Prayers of Those Who Do Not Know Him?

Answer: We are not told all we would like to know about how God hears the members of His human family. However, if God limited His listening to the righteous, the upright, He would be cutting Himself off from helping those who are on the way to becoming righteous, because no one starts out righteous. … [Read more…]

How are We to Pray for Those Who Despitefully Use Us?

Question: What did Jesus mean when He said, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” How are we to pray for those who “despitefully use” us? Can you offer any thoughts? Answer: In Matthew 5, Jesus … [Read more…]