God’s Spirit at Work

Study Guide

Can you answer these?

  1. What is the original Hebrew word translated “spirit” in the Old Testament? What are some if it meanings?
  2. Define the term “Holy Spirit” as used in the New Testament.
  3. What is the “Spirit of truth” spoke of by Jesus in John 14:16?
  4. How do we now the Holy Spirit given at Pentacost was a power and not a person?
  5. Give Bible evidence to show that the Hold Spirit power was to be withdrawn; that it was to be restored again.
  6. In the days of the apostles, who was able to impart the Holy Spirit by laying on of hands?
  7. Does anyone on Earth today perform miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit? Does this mean that God is not at work?
  8. Name the three visible means of the working of God’s spirit.
  9. Name the several invisible means of the working of God’s spirit.
  10. The power of the Holy Spirit that fell on the day of Pentecost was a fulfillment of what prophecy?
  11. Distinguish between the terms “former rain” and “latter rain.” What fell at Pentecost?
  12. When was the Holy Spirit power withdrawn?
  13. How doe God communicate with us today?

(If you need assistance in answering these questions, refer to you Bible and the pages of this lesson.)