Will Life on Earth become Extinct?

Question: “Some astronomers assume that because the stars are burning gas, they will eventually burn themselves out. They say the same about our sun, that it will eventually become dark and the earth will become a huge chunk of ice, and life will become extinct. Is this possible?” Answer: Here again the scientists are limited … [Read more…]

Why Should it “Please the Lord to Bruise Him” (his servants) as stated in Isaiah 53?

Question: I have a question about a passage in Isaiah 53. I understand that the chapter is speaking of the sufferings of Christ and also of those who will compose His faithful bride, but why should it &lquot;please the Lord to bruise him&rquot;? I have checked several of the newer translations, and all seem to … [Read more…]

Is the Anti-Christ Visible Today?

Question: Is the antichrist visible today in Iraq, or Africa, or China, or any of the terrorists in the Middle East? Many ideas are extant, some believing that a specific person matches the Scripture prophecy. What can we logically conclude from a study of Scripture? Answer: The word “antichrist” occurs only in John’s letters in … [Read more…]

Where do you get your ideas from? The Bible teaches that this earth as we know it will be destroyed. It is not going to be turned into a paradise.

Question: I was wondering where you get your ideas from. The Bible teaches that this earth as we know it will be destroyed. It is not going to be turned into a paradise. Rev. 21:1 says, ‘And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were … [Read more…]