Blood: The Miracle of Life

Do we ever stop to think about the wonderment of God’s creation and the complexity of the life God has given us—and offer heartfelt thanks to our Creator? We work and eat and sleep with scarcely a thought of the intricate processes that are happening every second in our bodies just to keep us alive! … [Read more…]

Red River of Life (Circulatory System)

Did You Know…? …the heart beats 2 1/2 billion times during a person’s life? …arteries, vessels & capillaries would reach 100 thousand miles if stretched out end to end? …on average, the heart pumps 75 gallons of blood an hour for a lifetime of 70 plus years? …one person’s red blood cells, if stacked, would … [Read more…]

Our Elastic Cloak (Human Skin)

Did You Know…? our skin is the largest and most versatile organ of our body. the skin is an acute sensory organ, constantly reporting current external conditions to the brain, to which the body responds by making internal adjustments. our skin is a large elastic-like garment that stretches as we stretch and moves as we … [Read more…]

Thank God I Can See!

Did You Know That…? every second, the retina in our eye performs billions of computer-like calculations, as it measures distances, intensities, focal lengths, colors and hues, and tones of dark and light on all the objects we see. we are aware of our surroundings because our eyes pick up light rays, and the cones and … [Read more…]

Thank God I Can Hear!

Did You Know…? our brain analyzes the pattern of sound waves picked up by our ears, so that we can know whether we have heard a foghorn or a birdcall. our hearing equipment is so sensitive that our nerves respond to vibrations of the ear membrane no greater than 0.0000001 millimeter in width! we identify … [Read more…]

Plants That Perch (Epiphytes)

Did You Know That…? perching plants are designed to live without soil. orchids grow two kinds of roots—one which anchors the plant to its host, and another which is designed like a sponge and collects water from rain and the humid air of the rain forest. vanilla extract comes from the pods produced by the … [Read more…]

Wonder Desert Beetle

The Stenocara beetle harvests water from fog Imagine that you are in the desert. It hasn’t rained for hundreds of years and you are desperate for water. What do you do? The Stenocara beetle manages this situation all the time! The Namib desert in Africa is about the driest, hottest place on earth. So hot … [Read more…]

The Woodpecker

How much wood would a woodpecker peck…? Rat-a-tat-tat-tat! Rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat! Do I sound familiar? I’m Downy Woodpecker, and I’m here by the wondrous design of my great Creator. Rat-a-tat-tat, rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat. Most birds are more often seen than heard. We woodpeckers are more often heard than seen. You hear rat-a-tat-tat, then you try to see us. There … [Read more…]

I’m a Whirlybird!

Did You Know…? …that the Phalarope is especially equipped to be able to drink sea water and not be harmed? …that the Phalarope doubles its weight in less than a month before migrating south? …that the Phalarope flies 2000 miles in 2 days non-stop? …that the Phalarope changes colors from season to season? …that Mrs. … [Read more…]

Twilight Blinkers and More!

Did You Know…? …that there are more than 1900 species of fireflies? …that most fireflies turn on their light only about once a second; but some fireflies produce two flashes a scant l/30th of a second apart, which the human eye detects as only one flash. Other species flash only once in several seconds? …that … [Read more…]