Is Jesus the Messiah?

Question: Christianity has always tried to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. However, the Messiah comes in “the last days” – not 2,000 years go. The Messiah really has many titles, including “Elijah” and the “herald of God” who was promised to come in “the last days.” Elijah is the herald of God, not of … [Read more…]

Is the voice of Wisdom the Voice of Jesus Christ?

Question: You say that in Proverbs 8 the voice of wisdom is speaking, but you missed the real point, because that voice of wisdom is Jesus Christ. Answer: Proverbs 8 is written as giving a human voice to the wisdom of God. The effect is that of a person speaking. “Does not wisdom cry out, … [Read more…]

What does Jesus mean by his ‘woes’ in Luke 6:25?

Question: I would like to know what this verse means: ‘Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep.‘ (Luke 6:25). Answer: In this text Jesus was pointing to those who used their wealth for self-indulgence, for the gratification of the senses. … [Read more…]

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

Question: I have a question I would like to have answered: Why did Jesus curse the fig tree when it wasn’t the season for the tree to bear fruit? (Mark 11:13-14). Answer: Jesus, living in an area where fig trees were common, was aware of the nature of fig trees. Figs set fruit before coming … [Read more…]