What was Jesus’ purpose here on Earth?

Question: Modern-day Christianity seems confused about Jesus’ real purpose and mission in this world. Your Messages concerning His life and teaching seem different. Could you please explain to me what you believe Jesus’ real purpose was here on planet Earth? Answer: Jump To:A King | An Example We have to agree that there is much … [Read more…]

Why Did Jesus Die?

Question: It seems to me that Paul says Christ had to die on the cross for our sins. He, Jesus, was given over to die for us. Answer: We cannot believe that Paul meant his statements about Jesus’ death in the way they are commonly interpreted. In Romans 6 Paul explained clearly his position on … [Read more…]

Who are God’s Children?

Question: In the Megiddo literature the teaching is that not all of us are the children of God. We believe we are. We will always love our child no matter what, and we believe God does the same. God will punish out of love. I would appreciate your comment. –from J. & D. J., Indiana … [Read more…]

Will All Israel Be Saved?

Question: I have been reading Paul’s book, Letters to the Young Churches. Each time I read it new information jumps out and is easier to understand. I do, however, wonder if you would inform me as to one thing. When he says God still has a plan for Israel, is this referring to the people … [Read more…]

Will all who live a Christ-like life (even if they do not accept Him) be rewarded with eternal life?

Question: I want to ask you if I understand your position correctly. I am a subscriber to the Christadelphian Tidings magazine and have read with considerable interest the ‘debate’ between yourself and Mr. Heaster on the subject of the Basis of Salvation. My understanding is that you believe that the work of Jesus Christ consisted … [Read more…]