All Day Praise

It is too much. It isn’t real. Life doesn’t allow that much praise. There is too much trouble, too much difficulty, too much suffering. But no, David was writing a hymnbook for his people, and it needed this level of praise in spite of trouble. The people needed to remember praise WHATEVER the struggles of … [Read more…]

Keep Your Antenna Up!

Someone asked a playwright where he got his ideas for writing. His answer was very simple: “I keep my antenna up.” It makes me ponder the question, Do I have my antenna up? What am I picking up? What am I missing that is circulating above ground, in the air, all around me? What am … [Read more…]

Time to Remodel

During the current pandemic, with the “stay home” rules, home remodeling is everywhere. It is one way to cure cabin fever—and improve the cabin at the same time. It is a time to do some of those jobs that have been waiting almost from “forever” for lack of time. But even before this, one of … [Read more…]

Are You a Tower of Strength?

I have been reading about the walls that were built around cities in Bible times. The people of the city depended on these strong walls to keep them safe from attackers. Above the walls they built towers. The towers served as places of refuge should the enemy breach the walls. Provisions were stored in the … [Read more…]